



While this should be relatively straightforward, I can't figure out how to move (rather than copy) LI elements between ULs.

All I want is to drag any item from list foo to list bar (or vice versa) without duplicating the element.

While connectToSortable does almost exactly what I want (though I'd prefer to avoid sortable), it clones the element - and manually removing the original element by reacting to the stop event turns out to be not so easy (e.g. ensuring that a valid drop actually happened).

A simple "hello world" example would help me greatly.

+1  A: 

A Hello World example can be found here: You don't need a draggable at all, only a sortable.

$(function() {
    $("#sortable1, #sortable2").sortable({
        connectWith: '.connectedSortable'

If you want to disallow the sorting of items within one list, this may be a way to go. It's not the most beautiful UI though (the user is given false hope), and the user is also free to determine the drop position in a foreign list.

$(function() {
    var sender;
    var recvok = false;
    $("#sortable1, #sortable2").sortable({
        connectWith: '.connectedSortable',
        start: function() {
            sender = $(this);
            recvok = false;
        over: function() {
            recvok = ($(this).not(sender).length != 0);
        stop: function() {
            if (!recvok)

This is a really horrible function working around what I feel is an incompleteness in jQuery UI. It saves the sender on sortstart and takes down a flag allowing drop. When another receiver is entered, it checks if it's not the sender and puts the flag up. On sortstop the flag is checked. Warning: this function is ugly to the eye of both the user and the programmer, but it works.

Wow, clearly I've been looking in the wrong place - thanks!
Do you want your users to be able to sort the items within one list? There's also a way to disable that.
That would indeed be useful!
I added a (not very beautiful) example.
Hrm, it appears the receive event is only fired if the respective items originates from a different list - so regular sorting is not covered.
There you go... this should work. I edited the answer. You can see it in action here:
That was actually quite educational - thanks a lot!