How do you test your app for Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn compliance? I tell people to store the Unicode string Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn into each field and then see if it is displayed correctly on output.
--- including output as a cell's content in Excel reports, in rtf format for docs, xml files, etc.
What other tests should be done?
Added idea from @Paddy:
Also try a right-to-left language. Eg, שלום ירושלים ([The] Peace of Jerusalem). Should look like:
Note: Stackoverflow is implemented correctly. If text does not match the image, then you have a problem with your browser, os, or possibly a proxy.
Also note: You should not have to change or "setup" your already running app to accept either the W European characters or the Hebrew example. You should be able to just type those characters into your app and have them come back correctly in your output. In case you don't have a Hebrew keyboard laying around, copy and paste the the examples from this question into your app.