One thing you need to realize is that you're severely limiting your market if you do so. Sure, all newer browsers (FireFox 3.5+, newer Chrome versions, newer Safari and Opera versions, IE 9) will support it, but they make up a very small portion of the internet right now. Considering that IE still dominates, if you want a wide audience you'll need to do one of two things: Not use HTML5, or implement the site twice (HTML5 and some other tech like Flash).
But it all depends on your market. If you're targeting geeks, chances are pretty good that most of them will have an HTML5 enabled browser. If you're targeting business people, chances are pretty good that they won't (considering many companies rely on IE).
So it's not an easy answer. As time goes on, the adoption will only increase... So while it may be "cool" to be an early adopter, it may not make business sense (depending on intended audience)...