



I have seen documentation on how to use the wallpaper package to put an image on the background, but I am looking for a simple solution to color the top 15% (or so) of a page in some color. How can I give part of the background of an output page a color with LaTeX?

+3  A: 

Perhaps you can use PGF/TikZ to create such a colored bar at the top of your page?

Bart Kiers
Looks interesting... would require me to figure out how to get it show up on every page...
Egon Willighagen
@Egon: Did you look at the code/picture properly? Make sure you do so, and also follow the link there, and you won't really need to figure out anything. It is all there!
Ah, OK. Just look at "{\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]" and further?
Egon Willighagen