



HI=i, I need advice on how i should go about improving my c # skills. I want to improve my skills in general c#,ADO,linq and windows form applications.


I have always had good luck with googling the terms but I think you are on the right track with stackoverflow. I have been doing .net development for the past ~7 years and was very impressed with a recent coworker who has only been developing for 3 years and when I asked him how he learned so much in such a short period of time he said he tried to answer questions on here and read other peoples answers, so I just started on here today. I have other sites that I like ( ,, and blogs ayende rahien scott gutherie but you find your own sites that you like. Just keep looking at what you like.

David Daniel
  • Read, a lot. Read blogs and books. Read in detail, as opposed to skimming, and follow along with examples. Find books or other resources that have challenges and do them.
  • Ask questions. Stackoverflow is a good start. Try the MSDN forums as well.
  • Read other people's code and tweak it. Break it or move things around to see what happens. Any time you read a blog post or anything else that has sample code for download, download it, debug it, look through it.

In my opinion, development skills are different from other kinds of skills (bow-hunting skills, nunchuk skills...) because you can never really master it. Most developers now don't spend their whole careers working with the same set of tools and frameworks - tools and frameworks are always growing, becoming ever more high-level, and developing leaks because of their complexity, so it's not enough to perfect one aspect of your work, you always have to be reaching out and trying new things.

That said, it's often best to find one platform and focus on it. It sounds like you've done that with the Microsoft stack.
