




I have a file in the format:

Port Number
IP address
Port Number
IP address

(Not sure how the output will be displayed here but let me tell you they are on separate lines)

and so on....

I use the command grep -C 1 'port number' file.txt i.e. I want all IP addresses corresponding to a particular port. Making it simple, I want the next line matching a regular expression. Like if my regular expression matches line 2,4 and 6 then I want lines 3, 5 and 7 to be printed. How to do that?

+1  A: 

sed -n '/^port$/{n;p}' < file.txt

-n tells sed not to print the input text as it processes it. You want this since you only want to see the lines which match your criteria.

/^port$/ restricts which lines {n;p} will operate on to those matching the specified port.

In {n;p}, the n means to read the next line of input into sed's pattern space. This will be the line that contains your IP address. The p then tells sed to print its pattern space, so the IP address line is printed.

This deletes all the lines containing the 'port number' regex.
It doesn't delete anything. It reads `file.txt` and for every line that matches `/^port$/` prints the next line, just like you asked.
@jamessan: No, your regex is too restrictive. Your `sed` command is likely to not print anything at all based on the OP's example data.
Dennis Williamson

Give this a try:

sed -n '/Port Number/{n;p}' file.txt

In GNU sed case insensitive:

sed -n '/Port Number/I{n;p}' file.txt
Dennis Williamson
Is n the number of lines to display? And what is p?
`n` is the `sed` command to read the next line. `p` is the `sed` command to print the line (since `-n` tells it not to print lines by default).
Dennis Williamson

use awk. Its simpler to understand than sed.

awk '/port number/{getline;print }' file

'getline' gets the next line after /port number/ is matched.
