How to set a composite primary key for a "All in One" approach (grid defined in JS file, and data using jqGridEdit Class in php file) ? Please, for me a composite primary key of a table T, is a elementary primary key that is defined with some fields belong to this table T !
Here is my test, but i get no data and cannot use the CRUD operations :
In my JS file i have this lines code:
... colModel:[ {name:"index",index:"index",label:"index"}, // <= THAT'S JUST THE INDEX OF MY TABLE {name:"user",index:"user",label:"user",key:true}, // <= A PART OF MY COMPOSITE PRIMARY KEY {name:"pwd",index:"pwd",label:"pwd",key:true}, // <= A PART OF MY COMPOSITE PRIMARY KEY {name:"state",index:"state",label:"state",key:true}, // <= A PART OF MY COMPOSITE PRIMARY KEY ... <= AND SO ON url:"mygrid_crud.php", datatype:"json", jsonReader:{repeatitems:false}, editurl: "mygrid_crud.php", prmNames:{"id":"index"} // <= WHAT I NEED TO WRITE HERE ??? ...
In my php file (mygrid_crud.php) :
... $grid = new jqGridEdit($conn); $query = "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE user='$user' and pwd='$pwd' and state='$state'..."; // <= SELECT * it's ok or i need to specify all fields i need ? $grid->SelectCommand = $query; $grid->dataType = "json"; $grid->table = 'mytable'; $grid->setPrimaryKeyId('index'); // <= WHAT I NEED TO WRITE HERE ??? ... $grid->editGrid();
Please, say me what is wrong, and how to do to set a composite primary key in this approach !?
Thank you so much for tour responses.