hi, i have a problem about action script 3. i have a flv video and its totaltime is 6 seconds. i want to start it from 2. seconds with seekSeconds(). if i write bigger than 6 values in seekSeconds it will only play the video from head to end.İf i write smaller than 6 ,it won't work.what can i write in seekSeconds() to start the video from 2 seconds?
function useParams()
var obj:Object = new Object();
var j;
for (j in this.myParams)
if (j == "url")
src = this.myParams[j];
else if (j=="bas")
startTime = int(this.myParams[j]);
stopTime = int(this.myParams[j]);
txt.text += j + " - " + this.myParams[j];
//fk.source = src;
txt.text = String(startTime);
fk.addEventListener(VideoEvent.READY, bitti);
function bitti(eventObject:VideoEvent):void