




I am looking for a good book on scorm, from a user, author and programmer's point of view.

Really hard to get my head around scorm, how to work with it, what web server, sql requirements it has..

Any recommendations?


This all assumes you're working with one of the editions of SCORM 2004.

SCORM is a collection of specifications, none of which have many implementation details in regard to server-side infrastructure (this was intentional). The only implementation details that you'll find describe how SCORM compliant content communicates with the server-side LMS. That API ("API_1484_11") is described in detail in the SCORM 2004 Runtime Environment documentation.

The best books on SCORM are the official documentation manuals. They are the only complete and authoritative reference on SCORM (that I know of). Check out adlnet.gov to get the documentation suites for your SCORM version.

The only additional resource I use is scorm.com, which does a good job breaking down some of the major components of SCORM (like the SCORM API) so that just about anyone can understand them. Check out their SCORM resources section for more.

Good Luck!

Been reading all of those, and they are very hard to translate into laymen's terms. I have been to both sites, read many of their documents, and they are good sites for people who already have a clear idea of what their product is and how to use it.But it would really help if there was an actual book for laymen usage, as a reference guide.Reading and understanding scorm is very hard, without some better writing in laymen's terms.

Claude Ostyn started an e-book on SCORM called "The Eye of the SCORM". It is available on his website at http://ostyn.com/resources.htm. To my knowledge, that is the only "book" on SCORM and it isn't published in a physical form that I know of.

Unfortunately Claude passed away a few years ago before the book was completed. We have been keeping his website up because it contains so many good resources for the community.

Mike Rustici
Thank You. Reading that pdf, and it is very well written.