I have a project that uses the wix extension WixUtilExtension to create a user for our windows services. When I patch the installation (using an .msp), the custom actions RemoveUser and CreateUser are executed.
I don't want these wix extension created custom actions to run during a patch.
I can add a condition directly to the custom action (ConfigureUsers) in the InstallExecuteSequence table of the msi to prevent this, but have not found a way to handle this in wix.
Using wix, how can I prevent RemoveUser and CreateUser from being executed during a patch?
<util:Group Id="LocalAdministrators" Name="Administrators"/>
<DirectoryRef Id="INSTALLLOCATION" DiskId="1">
<Component Id="CreateServiceAccountUser" Guid="{614550A7-C766-4B5D-9BF9-233D07EB3B69}">
<util:User Id="ServiceAccountUser" CanNotChangePassword="yes" CreateUser="yes" Disabled="no" FailIfExists="no" LogonAsService="yes" Name="TestUser" Password="testuserpw" PasswordExpired="no" PasswordNeverExpires="yes" RemoveOnUninstall="yes" UpdateIfExists="yes">
<util:GroupRef Id="LocalAdministrators"/>
<RegistryKey Root="HKMU" Key="Software\AMT\WebBrix">
<RegistryValue Name="CreateServiceAccountUser" Value="Common" Type="string" KeyPath="yes" />