Removing the specific string is simple:
$xml = '<x>
<y>some text</y>
<y>[ID] hello</y>
<y>world [/ID]</y>
<y>some text</y>
<y>some text</y>
$d = new DOMDocument();
$x = new DOMXPath($d);
foreach($x->query('//text()[(contains(.,\'[ID]\') or contains(.,\'[/ID]\'))]') as $elm){
$elm->nodeValue = preg_replace('/\[\/?ID\]/','',$elm->nodeValue);
When just removing textnodes in a specific tag, one could alter te preg_replace to these 2:
$elm->nodeValue = preg_replace('/\[ID\].*$/','',$elm->nodeValue);
$elm->nodeValue = preg_replace('/^.*\[/ID\]/','',$elm->nodeValue);
Resulting in for your example:
<y>some text</y>
<y>some text</y>
<y>some text</y>
However, removing tags in between without damaging well formed XML is quite tricky. Before venturing into lot of DOM actions, how would you like to handle:
An [/ID] higher in the DOM-tree:
<foo>[ID] foo
<bar> lorem [/ID] ipsum </bar>
An [/ID] lower in the DOM-tree
<foo> foo
<bar> lorem [ID] ipsum </bar>
And open/close spanning siblings, as per your example:
<foo> foo
<bar> lorem [ID] ipsum </bar>
<bar> lorem [/ID] ipsum </bar>
And a real dealbreaker of a question: is nesting possible, is that nesting well formed, and what should it do?
<foo> foo
<bar> lo [ID] rem [ID] ipsum </bar>
<bar> lorem [/ID] ipsum </bar>
Without further knowledge how these case should be handled there is no real answer.
Edit, well futher information was given, the actual, fail-safe solution (i.e.: parse XML, don't use regexes) seems kind of long, but will work in 99.99% of cases (personal typos and brainfarts excluded of course :) ):
$xml = '<x>
<y>some text</y>
<a> something </a>
well [ID] hello
<a> and then some</a>
<y>some text</y>
<a> also </a>
foobar [/ID] something
<a> these nodes </a>
<y>some text</y>
<y>some text</y>
echo $xml;
$d = new DOMDocument();
$x = new DOMXPath($d);
foreach($x->query('//text()[contains(.,\'[ID]\')]') as $elm){
//if this node also contains [/ID], replace and be done:
if(($startpos = strpos($elm->nodeValue,'[ID]'))!==false && $endpos = strpos($elm->nodeValue,'[/ID]',$startpos)){
$elm->replaceData($startpos, $endpos-$startpos + 5,'');
//delete all siblings of this textnode not being text and having [/ID]
if(!($elm->nextSibling instanceof DOMTEXT) || ($pos =strpos($elm->nodeValue,'[/ID]'))===false){
} else {
//id found in same element, replace and go to next [ID]
$elm->parentNode->appendChild(new DOMTExt(substr($elm->nextSibling->nodeValue,$pos+5)));
continue 2;
//siblings of textnode deleted, string truncated to before [ID], now let's delete intermediate nodes
while($sibling = $elm->parentNode->nextSibling){ // in case of example: other <y> elements:
//loop though childnodes and search a textnode with [/ID]
while($child = $sibling->firstChild){
//delete if not a textnode
if(!($child instanceof DOMText)){
//we have text, check for [/ID]
if(($pos = strpos($child->nodeValue,'[/ID]'))!==false){
//add remaining text in textnode:
//remove current textnode with match:
//sanity check: [ID] was in <y>, is [/ID]?
if($sibling->tagName!= $elm->parentNode->tagname){
trigger_error('[/ID] found in other tag then [/ID]: '.$sibling->tagName.'<>'.$elm->parentNode->tagName, E_USER_NOTICE);
//add remaining childs of sibling to parent of [ID]:
//delete the sibling that was found to hold [/ID]
//done: end both whiles
break 2;
//textnode, but no [/ID], so remove:
//no child, no text, so no [/ID], remove: