I’m currently unable to test this, lacking a VB compiler, but the following solution should also work, and it has the advantage of not requiring an explicit loop. It uses the Linq method ToDictionary
and two nested Split
Dim s = "Name=Fred;Birthday=19-June-1906;ID=12345"
Dim d = s.Split(";"c).Select(Function (kvp) kvp.Split("="c)) _
.ToDictionary( _
Function (kvp) kvp(0), _
Function (kvp) kvp(1))
First, we split on the outer delimiter (i.e. the semi-colon). From the resulting array, we select by splitting again, this time on =
. The resulting array of arrays is converted to a dictionary by specifying that the first item is to become the key and the second is to become the value (the identifier kvp
stands for “key-value pair”).
Since I can’t check the exact VB syntax and the above may contain subtle errors, here is the equivalent C# code (tested for correctness):
var s = "Name=Fred;Birthday=19-June-1906;ID=12345";
var d = s.Split(';').Select(kvp => kvp.Split('='))
.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp[0], kvp => kvp[1]);