



How do you go about implementing FSM(EDIT:Finite State Machine) states? I usually think about an FSM like a set of functions, a dispatcher, and a thread as to indicate the current running state. Meaning, I do blocking calls to functions/functors representing states.

Just now I have implemented one in a different style, where I still represent states with function(object)s, but the thread just calls a state->step() method, which tries to return as quickly as possible. In case the state has finished and a transition should take place, it indicates that accordingly. I would call this the 'polling' style since the functions mostly look like:

void step()
    return; // get out as fast as possible
  // ... test perhaps some more subgoals

I am aware that it is an FSM within an FSM.

It feels rather simplistic, but it has certain advantages. While a thread being blocked, or held in some kind of while (!CanGoForward)checkGoForward(); loop can be cumbersome and unwieldy, the polling felt much easier to debug. That's because the FSM object regains control after every step, and putting out some debug info is a breeze.

Well I am deviating from my question: How do you implement states of FSMs?

+1  A: 

There’s always what I call the Flying Spaghetti Monster’s style of implementing FSMs (FSM-style FSMs): using lotsa gotos. For example:

  goto state2;

  if (condition) goto state1;
  else           goto state3;


Very nice spaghetti code :-)

Konrad Rudolph
Damn! Those FSMs are scaaaaary! ;-)

I did it as a table, a flat array in the memory, each cell is a state. Please have a look at the cvs source of the abandoned DFA project. For example:

class DFA {
    DFA(int mychar_groups,int mycharmap[256],int myi_state);
    void add_trans(unsigned int from,char sym,unsigned int to);
    void add_trans(unsigned int from,unsigned int symn,unsigned int to);
    /*adds a transition between state from to state to*/
    int add_state(bool accepting=false);
    int to(int state, int symn);
    int to(int state, char sym);
    void set_char(char used_chars[],int);
    void set_char(set<char> char_set);
    vector<int > table; /*contains the table of the dfa itself*/
    void normalize();

    vector<unsigned int> char_map;
    unsigned int char_groups; /*number of characters the DFA uses,
                    char_groups=0 means 1 character group is used*/
    unsigned int i_state; /*initial state of the DFA*/
    void switch_table_state(int first,int sec);
    unsigned int num_states;
    set<int > accepting_states;

But this was for a very specific need (matching regular expressions)

Elazar Leibovich
Thanks Elazar. I am asking specifically about states, not the strutcture of the FSM. Since I try to model dynamic processes over time this example (albeit classy) does not help me much. My switch table would be very sparse. Usually only two or (current max)three different transitions suffice (atm).
+1  A: 

The state Design Pattern is an interesting way of implementing a FSM:

It's a very clean way of implementing the FSM but it can be messy depending on the complexity of your FSM (but not the amount of states). However, the advantages are that:

  • you eliminate code duplication (especially if/else statements)
  • It is easier to extend with new states
  • Your classes have better cohesion so all related logic is in one place - this should also make your code easier to writ tests for.

There is a Java and C++ implementation at this site:

David Relihan

If you are creating a complex state machine then you may want to check out SMC - the State Machine Compiler. This takes a textual representation of a state machine and compiles it into the language of your choice - it supports Java, C, C++, C#, Python, Ruby, Scala and many others.

Dave Kirby

I remember my first FSM program. I wrote it in C with a very simple switch statement. Switching from one state to another or following through to the next state seemed natural.

Then I progressed to use a table lookup approach. I was able to write some very generic coding style using this approach. However, I was caught out a couple of times when the requirements changed and I have to support some extra events.

I have not written any FSMs lately. The last one I wrote was for a comms module in C++ where I used a "state design pattern" in conjunction with a "command pattern" (action).
