i had made a program for text to speech convertion in python..and now want to make an gui for it...
i have installed wxpython..and have been trying few example available online to understand,but i am not exactly understanding it..
i basically want a frame and a text box to enter text and a button...on clicking the button it the text in the text should be copied to the file and run the app.py file for giving the result.. I am finding this difficult as i am new to wxwidgets.. looking for some help..can someone tell how to perform this simple task in wxpython???
can i do it in vb and connect my py code to it??
import wx
window=wx.Frame(None, title='sample gui app',pos=(100,100),size=(400,500))
hellobtn=wx.Button(window,label='hello',pos = (200, 200), size = (60,25))
this is the code i wrote for creating a frames and text box and button hjow to add events to this and connect to the my code..on clicking a button i want it to run my .py file from cmd prmt on anywhere..
Thanks in advance..