




Hello there,

my english is not very good and i am sorry for that. I have a video codec project for windows(C++), based on VFW interface. It compiles into dll, setups and runs succesfully. What i want is to add cuda kernel functions to force/improve some algorithm steps. I have installed SDK,Toolkit and Wizard. Applied CUDA rule to project. Added .cu file with my kernel function and a .cu file which represents a wrapper to kernel. I've also read this topic and applied all aswell : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2046228/how-do-i-start-a-new-cuda-app-in-visual-studio-2008/2047892#2047892.

Mostly everything goes well, but i got this only

1>MSVCRTD.lib(crtexew.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _WinMain@16 referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartuperror:

The type of the project was set correctly before, i can say that because the project was running well before i added .cu files, applied rules.


You need to provide more details as to precisely what linker command-line is being used, but it looks like the "Subsystem" is possibly incorrect. I believe that crtexecw.obj is used when you're building a Windows executable - hence why it's trying to find the WinMain entry point.
