



What difference between Super and Candidate key in ERDB?


+3  A: 

candidate key is a minimal superkey

+1, plus it would be good to define "minimal" here since it's non-intuitive. For example in table (a,b,c), with (a) being unique and also (b,c) being unique, both (a) and (b,c) should be candidate keys.
+2  A: 
  • Candidate key = minimal key to identify a row
  • Super key = at least as wide as a candidate key

For me, a super key would generally introduce ambiguities over a candidate key

A candidate key is a minimal superkey. So a superkey isn't strictly "wider" because a candidate key is a superkey too.
@david: isn't "minimal superkey" an oxymoron?
"generally introduce ambiguities" -- what do you mean? For example, in this answer ( the EmployeeDepartments table has a candidate key `(employee_ID)` and a superkey `(employee_department_name, employee_ID)`. Both are required for data integrity, where's the ambiguity?
@onedaywhen: (employee_department_name, employee_ID) means you can have the same employee_ID for multiple employee_department_name values. How can employee_ID itself be a unique key then?
@gbn: `(employee_department_name, employee_ID)` is a key (a superkey) because `(employee_ID)` is in itself a key (a candidate key), so no it is not possible to have the same employee_ID for multiple employee_department_name values.
@gbn: ...`employee_department_name` is "brought in" to the key so that it can be referenced (via a foreign key) from another table. So my point is that a superkey does have a practical use in data integrity constraints.
@onedaywhen: We'll have to disagree then.
@gbn: If you insist :) but in parting note this is a common enough technique e.g. see this article (!/), section captioned, "Overlapping Uniqueness Constraints".
@onedaywhen: I have no objection to multiple and/or overlapping unique keys. I do object to the term "superkey" when plainly (employee_department_name, employee_ID) does not uniquely identify a row *if* (employee_ID) is already the primary key. It is neither a candidate nor super key, even if it is defined unique for use by an FK.
@gbn: so we agree it fits the definition of "superkey", it's just that you have a problem with the whole concept of superkeys? I'm not here to change you belief system, peace :)
@gbn: FWIW I myself believe in using natural keys but I'm dead against supernatural keys ;)
+3  A: 

A superkey is a set of columns that uniquely identifies a row. A Candidate key would be a MINIMAL set of columns that uniquely identifies a row. So essentially a Superkey is a Candidate key with extra unnecessary columns in it.

Eric Petroelje
"a Superkey is a Candidate key with extra unnecessary columns" -- the extra columns may actually be necessary to reference the table and ensure data integrity e.g. `(employee_ID)` is unique but a key on `(employee_ID, department_name)` may be required for certain tables that restrict employees according to their department.