Are you aware of any lexical analyzer or lexer in Qt? I need it for parsing text files.
has allows you to define a lexical handler, for plain text you can use QRegExp
. If you want a full blown lexical analyzer take a look at Quex (not Qt specific, but is used to generate a C++ code based on your input).
It is kinda interesting how Qt has evolved into an all-compassing framework that makes the programmer that uses it believe that anything that is useful has to start with the letter Q. Very dot-netty. Qt is just a class library that runs on top of the language, it doesn't preclude using everyday libraries that get a job done. Especially when that's a library that has little to do with presenting a user interface, the job that Qt does so well.
There are many libraries that get lexical analysis and parsing done well. That starts with Lex and Yacc, Flex and Bison next, etcetera. You only have to Qt enable it for error messages, they readily support that.