Users submit rectangular axis-aligned regions associated with "terrain maps". At any time users can delete regions they have created.
class Region(db.Model):
terrain_map = reference to TerrainMap
top_left_x = integer
top_left_y = integer
bottom_right_x = integer
bottom_right_y = integer
I want to maintain a "terrain height map", which progressively updates as new rectangular regions are added or deleted.
class TerrainMap(db.Model):
terrain_height = blob
Here's a "picture" of what the map could look like with two overlapping regions:
So i thought i could do this by adding a RegionUpdate model, created when Region entity is either created or deleted, and also enqueuing a Task which would churn through a query for "RegionUpdate.applied = False"
class RegionUpdate(db.Model):
terrain_map = reference to TerrainMap
top_left_x = integer
top_left_y = integer
bottom_right_x = integer
bottom_right_y = integer
operation = string, either "increase" or "decrease"
applied = False/True
The problem is it seems all RegionUpdates and Region entities have to be under the same entity group as their TerrainMap: RegionUpdates must only get created when Region entities are created or deleted, so this must be done transactionally; TerrainMap.terrain_height is updated in a Task, so this must be an idempotent operation - i can only think of doing this by transactionally grabbing a batch of RegionUpdate entities, then applying them to the TerrainMap.
That makes my entity group much larger than the "rule of thumb" size of about "a single user's worth of data or smaller".
Am i overlooking some better way to model this?