




I know Kernighan & Ritchie were the inventors of C and so I bought their book, I know Don Box was "the man" behind COM and so I bought his book "Essential COM".

Now I want to learn WPF, who are the architects/designers of WPF?

Charles Petzold? Chris Anderson?

+4  A: 

I believe John Gossman was one of them. In 2005 he unveiled MVVM pattern on his blog. I also suspect Josh Smith, Microsoft Program Manager Karl Shifflett and Bea Stollnitz had significant impact on WPF architecture.

There is one dark horse here: Dr. WPF. I don't know who is this amazing guy, but I would readily accept premise of his involvement to WPF foundation.

+1  A: 

hi, i think Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed from Adam Nathan is the best wpf book.

after reading this you have to learn from all the great community out there. continue list:

Marlon Grech, Sacha Barber, Glenn Block and more Wpf Disciples
