



At the XmlSerializer constructor line the below causes an InvalidOperationException which also complains about not having a default accesor implemented for the generic type.

Queue<MyData> myDataQueue = new Queue<MyData>();

// Populate the queue here

XmlSerializer mySerializer =
  new XmlSerializer(myDataQueue.GetType());    

StreamWriter myWriter = new StreamWriter("myData.xml");
mySerializer.Serialize(myWriter, myDataQueue);
+10  A: 

It would be easier (and more appropriate IMO) to serialize the data from the queue - perhaps in a flat array or List<T>. Since Queue<T> implements IEnumerable<T>, you should be able to use:

List<T> list = new List<T>(queue);
Marc Gravell
You could also use queue.ToList()
I'd like to know more about the "more appropriate" comment you made.
@chakrit - only with .NET 3.5, but yes.
Marc Gravell
This doesn't really help if you serialize a class that contains Queue<T>... Unless you are happy to XmlIgnore the Queue and ensure you have a List<T> field holding a copy of the data... Or are there better ways?

if you want to use the built in serialization you need to play by its rules, which means default ctor, and public get/set properties for the members you want to serialize (and presumably deserialize ) on the data type you want to serialize (MyData)

+1  A: 

Not all parts of the framework are designed for XML serialization. You'll find that dictionaries also are lacking in the serialization department.

A queue is pretty trivial to implement. You can easily create your own that also implements IList so that it will be serializable.
