



I need tutorials and help for my project about fake detection currency

+2  A: 

Start by determining what you need to implement yourself and what you can use from existing libraries like OpenCV.

Justin Ardini
+1  A: 

I've heard "on the 'net," hence with no guarantees of veracity, that standard bill checking systems do fairly little analysis on a bill - just a handful of specific features are checked for to recognize a bill. Thus, I'd guess that a lot of the sophisticated "image processing" algorithms from AI research would turn out to be overkill.

If you're working in a field that's legally entitled to this information, then you may be able to tap into official sources for this information. Law enforcement agencies, maybe? If you're just exploring this on your own and not for a corporation, you may need to do your own hunting for relevant information.

Detecting fake currency - I'd imagine this to be difficult. Essentially to pass a bill would need to be a pixel-for-pixel copy of the real thing, but your comparison would need to be tolerant of some variations in contrast, missing features covered by dirt or tears...

At least in Europe, a big part of recognizing fake bills is based on examining them under UV light, where legit bills show some features that fake bills often can't duplicate.

Good luck!

Carl Smotricz