




Hello StackOverflow!

i need help, i have some data coming in xml, i want to make an object out of, do something with it, serialize it back and send it away... but it must be some sort of custom serialization.

xml like:

<Animals Ver="12" class="1" something="2">
    <Dog Ver="12" class="2" something="17">
        <Name> a </Name>
        <Sound> oof </Sound>

    <Cat Ver="12" class="3" something="4">
       <Name> b </Name>
       <Sound> meow </Sound>

needs to be presented as:

abstract class Animal :XmlMagic
  public string Name{get;set;}
  public string Sound{get;set;}

  public void SomeMagicalXMLSerializationMethod()
  public void SomeMagicalXMLDeSerializationMethod()

class Dog: Animal, XmlMagic
  public int SomeOtherProp{get;set;}
  public void SomeMagicalXMLSerializationMethod()
  public void SomeMagicalXMLDeSerializationMethod()
+2  A: 

The XmlMagic you are after is called IXmlSerializable interface: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.xml.serialization.ixmlserializable.aspx

It provides you with 2 methods ReadXml and WriteXml, where you have to implement reading your object and writing it back. Then you use the standard .Net XmlSerializer to serialize/deserialize your objects.

Let me know if you need more help.

+2  A: 

However there are also XML Serialization Attributes like


etc, you can even use these attributes to control your serialization and acheive what you want without writing complicated serialization logic.

Akash Kava

You might want to check out the WCF REST Starter Kit; as it includes a visual studio add in called "Paste XML as Type"

Basically, you copy your raw XML, and then select that option; and it will generate a class for you based off that XML. Then you can do something simple like:

var xmlResponse = new XmlDocument();
var deserializedResponse = ConvertNode<ResponseWrapper.response>(xmlresponse); 

public static T ConvertNode<T>(XmlNode node) where T : class
            var stm = new MemoryStream();

            var stw = new StreamWriter(stm);

            stm.Position = 0;

            var ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
            var result = (ser.Deserialize(stm) as T);

            return result;
Jim B