




How can I differentiate senior .NET developer from medior .NET developer on interview ? What is the baseline for senior? Any comments or examples would great for me.

+2  A: 

I would start by reading this: Joel's Guide to Guerrilla Interviewing

+1  A: 

Scott Hanselman has a great blog post covering this exact question:

What Great .NET Developers Ought To Know

The questions and concepts are broken out into levels (Junior, Mid-Level, Senior) as well as the various focus areas of .NET development.

Justin Niessner
+2  A: 

One of the simplest ways to test whether someone is actually a "senior" level developer is to ask them to write some actual code. It's pretty easy to study up the major .Net development topics and regurgitate them during an interview with confidence. It's much more difficult to fake knowledge and experience.

Brian Scott
+1  A: 

I should think that "Senior" means that the candidate has been programming with .NET for at least 5 years. Verify this by asking questions about .NET 1.x features that were obsoleted by .NET 2.0. Like the System.Collection namespace classes.

Hans Passant

I have done couple of interviews. In my opinion when you say somebody as senior then the candidate must be senior mentally and not by number of years of experience. I normally ask more basics to the senior level developers (language basics, .Net basics, assemblies, modules, threads etc.,). Because once somebody is senior then they have a curiosity to go deeper and understand the core rather than staying on the shallow level. Also I ask the developers to solve small string programs(substring, indexOf) because they don't need the intellisense and you can easily find out how one approaches the problem.
