



I am working on a project at the moment which is using WCF for all communication. Standard sort of coding, using ChannelFactory and CreateChannel to access methods and objects running on the server.

Now, I have a form of event system setup, where a db table stores all the endpoints to inform given certain condiitons. So something happens, and all interested WCF services can be called to perform some sort of action.

What I want to do now is incorporate some older projects which are using remoting. My first idea was that I could just insert the remoting endpoint and call the same way. ie put in http://localhost/myservice.rem instead of http://localhost/mynewservice.svc

But alas this didnt work. I do not have a second idea.

Error message is:

{MyWCFProject.DataContracts.Exceptions.GeneralCommunicationException: System.ServiceModel.ProtocolException: The content type text/plain; charset=utf-8 of the response message does not match the content type of the binding (application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8). If using a custom encoder, be sure that the IsContentTypeSupported method is implemented properly. The first 734 bytes of the response were: System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException: Cannot load type 'MyRemotingService.SomeClass, MyRemotingService'.

I hope you can see what I am trying to do, and hope you can offer me some insight in how to move forwards.

Source code, stack trace, or any info supplied on request. Cheers :)