



I'm looking for an updated version of these Django SuperForms. Can't seem to get it to work in Django 1.2. In particular, I'd like it to work with ModelForms.

My use case is almost identical to his; I have an Address model that I'd like to use as a sub-form in various places. It's a pain to try and combine everything in the view func.


Hey there, are you able to post error logs, or exactly what is going wrong with the code?

In the future, you should post these kind of things as comments to the original question, not as an actual answer.
Since i am a new member, stack overflow does not yet afford me that privelege, however in future i should be able to do that. @sdolan anything USEFUL to add to the topic?
@Thomas: No... I've given up on getting that particular patch to work and scrapped it. First it was complaining about missing modules, which I believe was due to it trying to use `newforms`. I updated the paths, but still couldn't get it to work.
@Mark fair enough. i'd still like to get SuperForms working. it looks AWESOME. If i fix it, do i still get the rep?
@Thomas: you would have, if sdolan didn't beat you to it.
+1  A: 

I've updated to work w/1.2, and attached it to the ticket you linked to:

There's a project I'm working on that could benefit from this, so I figured I'd spend the time and help you out as well.

Keep in mind that I just got this to work w/1.2, and didn't really try to clean up the internals. Now that I have test cases proving the API, I can go back and clean that up later.

If you're using it with ModelForms and you'd like the save() functionality you'll have to override the method on your SuperForm class.

I currently have it locally in my "common" repository w/~90% code coverage that covers multiple SubForms, mixed SubForms & declared forms, and ModelForms. I've included the test cases below (beware it uses my TestCaseBase class, but this should give you the gist of the API). Let me know if you have questions, or any areas I missed.

from django_common.forms.superform import SuperForm, SubForm
from django_common.test import TestCaseBase
from django import forms

class WhenSuperFormsIsUsedWithOnlySubForms(TestCaseBase):
    def get_superform_with_forms(self, post_data=None):
        class AddressForm(forms.Form):
            street = forms.CharField(max_length=255)
            city = forms.CharField(max_length=255)

        class BusinessLocationForm(forms.Form):
            phone_num = forms.CharField(max_length=255)

        class TestSuperForm(SuperForm):
            address = SubForm(AddressForm)
            business_location = SubForm(BusinessLocationForm)

        return TestSuperForm(data=post_data)

    def should_not_be_valid_with_no_data(self):
        tsf = self.get_superform_with_forms()

    def should_have_two_sub_forms(self):
        tsf = self.get_superform_with_forms()
        self.assert_equal(len(tsf.base_subforms),  2)
        self.assert_equal(len(tsf.forms), 2)

    def should_display_as_ul(self):
        tsf = self.get_superform_with_forms()
        self.assert_equal(tsf.as_ul(), '<li><label for="id_business_location-phone_num">Phone num:</label> <input id="id_business_location-phone_num" type="text" name="business_location-phone_num" maxlength="255" /></li>\n<li><label for="id_address-street">Street:</label> <input id="id_address-street" type="text" name="address-street" maxlength="255" /></li>\n<li><label for="id_address-city">City:</label> <input id="id_address-city" type="text" name="address-city" maxlength="255" /></li>')

    def should_display_as_table(self):
        tsf = self.get_superform_with_forms()
        self.assert_equal(tsf.as_table(), '<tr><th><label for="id_business_location-phone_num">Phone num:</label></th><td><input id="id_business_location-phone_num" type="text" name="business_location-phone_num" maxlength="255" /></td></tr>\n<tr><th><label for="id_address-street">Street:</label></th><td><input id="id_address-street" type="text" name="address-street" maxlength="255" /></td></tr>\n<tr><th><label for="id_address-city">City:</label></th><td><input id="id_address-city" type="text" name="address-city" maxlength="255" /></td></tr>')

    def should_display_as_p(self):
        tsf = self.get_superform_with_forms()
        self.assert_equal(tsf.as_p(), '<p><label for="id_business_location-phone_num">Phone num:</label> <input id="id_business_location-phone_num" type="text" name="business_location-phone_num" maxlength="255" /></p>\n<p><label for="id_address-street">Street:</label> <input id="id_address-street" type="text" name="address-street" maxlength="255" /></p>\n<p><label for="id_address-city">City:</label> <input id="id_address-city" type="text" name="address-city" maxlength="255" /></p>')

    def should_display_as_table_with_unicode(self):
        tsf = self.get_superform_with_forms()
        self.assert_equal(tsf.__unicode__(), tsf.as_table())

    def should_be_valid_if_good_data(self):
        data = {
            'business_location-phone_num' : '8055551234',
            'address-street' : '1234 Street Dr.',
            'address-city' : 'Santa Barbara',
        tsf = self.get_superform_with_forms(data)
        self.assert_equal(tsf.cleaned_data['address']['street'], '1234 Street Dr.')
        self.assert_equal(tsf.cleaned_data['address']['city'], 'Santa Barbara')

    def should_be_invalid_if_missing_data(self):
        data = {
            'business_location-phone_num' : '8055551234',
            'address-street' : '1234 Street Dr.',
        tsf = self.get_superform_with_forms(data)

        self.assert_equal(tsf.errors['address']['city'], ['This field is required.'])

    def should_be_invalid_if_invalid_data(self):
        data = {
            'business_location-phone_num' : '8055551234',
            'address-street' : '1234 Street Dr.',
            'address-city' : '',
        tsf = self.get_superform_with_forms(data)

class WhenSuperformsIsUsedWithSubFormsAndDeclaredFields(TestCaseBase):
    """Some basic sanity checks that working with fields combined with SubForms works."""
    def get_superform_with_forms(self, post_data=None):
        class AddressForm(forms.Form):
            street = forms.CharField(max_length=255)

        class TestSuperForm(SuperForm):
            name = forms.CharField(max_length=255)
            address = SubForm(AddressForm)

        return TestSuperForm(data=post_data)

    def should_not_be_valid_with_no_data(self):
        tsf = self.get_superform_with_forms()

    def should_have_two_forms_and_a_single_subform(self):
        tsf = self.get_superform_with_forms()
        self.assert_equal(len(tsf.base_subforms),  1)
        self.assert_equal(len(tsf.forms), 2)

    def should_print_as_table(self):
        tsf = self.get_superform_with_forms()
        self.assert_equal(tsf.as_table(), '<tr><th><label for="id_name">Name:</label></th><td><input id="id_name" type="text" name="name" maxlength="255" /></td></tr>\n<tr><th><label for="id_address-street">Street:</label></th><td><input id="id_address-street" type="text" name="address-street" maxlength="255" /></td></tr>')

    def should_validate_when_fields_exist(self):
        data = {
            'name': 'Sam',
            'address-street': 'Some Street',
        tsf = self.get_superform_with_forms(data)

        self.assert_equal(tsf.cleaned_data['name'], 'Sam')
        self.assert_equal(tsf.cleaned_data['address']['street'], 'Some Street')

    def should_not_validate_with_invalid_data(self):
        data = {
            'name': '',
            'address-street': 'Some Street',
        tsf = self.get_superform_with_forms(data)

        self.assert_equal(tsf.errors['name'], ['This field is required.'])

class WhenSuperformsIsUsedWithModelForms(TestCaseBase):
    def get_superform_with_forms(self, post_data=None):
        from django.db import models
        class Address(models.Model):
            city = models.CharField(max_length=255)

        class AddressForm(forms.ModelForm):
            class Meta:
                model = Address

        class TestSuperForm(SuperForm):
            address = SubForm(AddressForm)

        return TestSuperForm(data=post_data)

    def should_not_be_valid_with_no_data(self):
        tsf = self.get_superform_with_forms()

    def should_have_two_forms_and_a_single_subform(self):
        tsf = self.get_superform_with_forms()
        self.assert_equal(len(tsf.base_subforms),  1)
        self.assert_equal(len(tsf.forms), 1)

    def should_print_as_table(self):
        tsf = self.get_superform_with_forms()
        self.assert_equal(tsf.as_table(), '<tr><th><label for="id_address-city">City:</label></th><td><input id="id_address-city" type="text" name="address-city" maxlength="255" /></td></tr>')

    def should_validate_when_fields_exist(self):
        data = {
            'address-city': 'Some City',
        tsf = self.get_superform_with_forms(data)

        self.assert_equal(tsf.cleaned_data['address']['city'], 'Some City')

    def should_not_validate_with_invalid_data(self):
        data = {
            'address-city': '',
        tsf = self.get_superform_with_forms(data)

        self.assert_equal(tsf.errors['address']['city'], ['This field is required.'])


Wow, that's awesome! Thank you so much :) Unfortunately this came a little late for my current project (found another sol'n), but maybe for my next one!
Yeah, no problem. Thank you for posing the question and giving a good starting point. This is something that would have been useful to me for a long time. As for your other solution, what'd you end up doing? Oh, and did I earn the bounty? :)
You sure did. I'm assuming your code actually works ;) What did I end up doing? Only the dumbest thing a programmer can do! Re-wrote the *entire* forms app from scratch!
To be honest, I haven't used the class in practice yet (have to move onto *paying* work now:)), though the tests are pretty thorough in testing the integration/interfaces. And, wow that as pretty silly :) The unit tests were the only time consuming part of fixing the original file. If you did rewrite it, and it's better, you may consider uploading your new classes to bitbucket (or similar).
Might do that! Still have a bit of work to go on them, but they're turning out really nicely. Results in a lot less code required than with Django's forms. Performs both client and server side validation too!
AAACKK..... you're missing `__iter__` and `__getitem__` on `SubForm`. Very easy to implement (just redirect em to `self._form`) but very important!
Adding a `save()` method on `SubForm()` would be logical too.... right now I'm just using SuperForms to nest a bunch of regular forms.. the only real advantage I see this giving me is that it validates all of them at once...well, and it simplifies my templates a tiny bit. Do you know how these FormLists are supposed to be used? Are they like... FormSets?
sdolan I added `save()` too...again, it just passes it off to the `form`. It won't exist for non-modelforms, but you really shouldn't be trying to `save()` something that isn't a model-form anyway... so I say, let it throw an error!