



Hey, I'm looking for a content management system in java with good support for html content presentation in sense of web presentations, not document management and corporate content presentation in a desktop-like gui.

I'm interested in templating html pages in categories/filesystem within the cms. Most CMS I know are corporate systems like Alfresco, Nuxeo, Exo and I don't even know if these have support for web page presentation outside the Portal behind them. I just know that Magnolia does.

The second requirement is managing the CMS via API. Not manual editing. I highly doubt that there is a CMS implementing Atom publishing protocol, that's why I need a CMS with API for CRUD content so that I could implement AtomPub server by myself.

+3  A: 

DotCMS supports templating, Surf & Edit and Atom feeds

DotCMS seems OK, especially because it is built on Liferay portal (as they say), but there is extreme lack of documentation. Though they don't support AtomPub protocol there is WebDav support which might be enough for the type of publishing I need. Thank you ktaylorjohn
@lisak: If this was useful, please upvote :)
+1  A: 

Walrus CMS uses Freemarker as a templating engine and exports data via RSS and Atom

@miceuz, Thank you, I'll take a look at it.