



Assume you divide up your systems in Value objects and Services objects (as suggested in "Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests". Misko Hevery calls these "newables" and "injectables".

What happens when one of your value objects suddenly needs to access a service to implement it's methods?

Let's say you have a nice simple Value object. It's immutable, holds a few bits of information and that's about it. Let's say we use it something like this:

CreditCard card = new CreditCard("4111-1111-1111-1111", "07/10");
if (card.isValid())
  // do stuff
  // don't do stuff

So far so good. isValid() implements a check digit algorithm on the card number and returns true/false.

Now, let's say I wish to enhance the system by validating the expiry date against the current time. How would you suggest this is done without breaking the Value object/Service object paradim? I should like this class to continue to be unit testable.

  • CreditCard now has a dependency, but because of the way it is created it can not be injected, so dependency injection is out.
  • The CreditCard class should not be calling out to Singletons (I am of the position that global access to a Singleton is bad practice)
  • Putting the behaviour on CreditCardVerificationService.validateCard() means all the existing code has to be revisited. The implementation of isValid() is leaking out.

I know there are things that can be done to get around this, but what is the cleanest way?

+3  A: 

I would argue that it isn't a CreditCard object's job to validate anything. A factory would validate the check digits to ensure that it is instantiating a conforming card, while a verification service would validate the card for expiration/$ limit.

Interesting. It seems natural to me that the behaviour (validation) should live with the data instead the CreditCard object.
That turns the real world on its head, though. A credit card doesn't have any way of validating itself -- forged, expired cards live in the wild and have no idea if they are valid or not. If you send a request to a payment processor, they're not going to ask you if your card is valid or take your word for it -- they'll determine that themselves, and just request the data necessary to do that.
+1  A: 

I would be tempted to say that CreditCard is not a Value Object.

From the C2 wiki:

Examples of value objects are things like numbers, dates, monies and strings. Usually, they are small objects which are used quite widely. Their identity is based on their state rather than on their object identity. This way, you can have multiple copies of the same conceptual value object.

A value object is not a BusinessObject/ReferenceObject. A BusinessObject/ReferenceObject is something you find in the world, while a ValueObject is a measure or description of something.

If CreditCardNumber could be a value object, CreditCard looks more like an business object which contains some business logic, e.g. validation.

I usually have Value Object, Service and Business Object. I don't know about "Growing Object-Oriented Software", but restricting yourself to only Value Object and Service seems odd to me.

So if CreditCard is a Business Object, how would you handle the situation in the question?
@WW I suggest you have a look at "Domain Driven Design". There's plenty of resources about it. Here is a discussion about DDD with the example of a CreditCard