



Ho there, I will be facing a new and exciting issue in the near future. I have to study a complex Domain Model for an application that will control the Production Cycle of a very big manufactoring Industry.

I am a Developer with good experience mainly in the UI and the in the logic layer. I have not created a Domain Model in the past.

What is a good resource, (reading, eBook or title) focused on Domain Model implementation suitable for an experienced developer?

Thank you in advance.

+5  A: 

It's a little bit lengthy, but I'd recommend Eric Evans' Domain-Driven Design.

He begins the book talking about designing an application for printed-circuit board (PCB) design. He didn't know anything about electronic hardware, but his domain-driven design methods helped him progress to completion.

The author's challenge, relative to an unfamilar domain, seems very similar to yours.

Jim G.
+1  A: 

i suggested you first understand the business domain for which the software model has been created. if you are lucky then the domain model should be near to the real world model. i also suggest you go thru the domain driven design concetps. a quick start guide is at
