



I am writing an HTTP module which needs to read configuration data once from a local file (say config.xml stored in application root directory) and then based on configuration perform some processing on incoming requests.

Since there is no Application_Start/Application_init hooking available in Asp.NET modules, what would be the best way to handle the scenario. I am trying to avoid reading configuration file each time a request comes. Ideally, I want to read the config file when application starts.

I need to code this in http module only and do not want to use Global.asax


Not sure if this would work, but you might be able to implement this in the module's init method.

Chris Pebble
I just tried it. It seems that that variables/objects etc in Init method are not available in HTTPmodule "hookable" events like Application_BeginRequest etc
Gaurav Kumar

In the init method of your httpmodule you can hook up to the event in the context.

For example :

public void Init(HttpApplication context)

        context.PostRequestHandlerExecute += (sender, e) =>
            Page p = context.Context.Handler as Page;
            if (p != null)
            ///Code here    
Richard Friend
just noticed there is no start event to hook upto, why not just populate the data in the init method of your http module...
Richard Friend
public SomeHttpModule : IHttpModule
    private static readonly Configuration Configuration = 
Chris Marisic

static variable did the trick. here is the code if someone is interested -

static string test; 
        public void Init(HttpApplication application)

            application.BeginRequest +=(new EventHandler(this.Application_BeginRequest));
            test = "hi"; 
            application.EndRequest +=(new EventHandler(this.Application_EndRequest));

       private void Application_BeginRequest(Object source,EventArgs e)
                HttpApplication application = (HttpApplication)source ;
                HttpContext context = application.Context;

Gaurav Kumar
+1  A: 

I'd go for a simple property, something like this ...

public MyConfig Config
        MyConfig _config = Application["MyConfig"] as MyConfig;
        if (_config == null)
            _config = new MyConfig(...);
            Application["MyConfig"] = _config;
        return _config;

that way you just access whatever you need from Config via the property ...

int someValue = Config.SomeValue;

and it's loaded into the application object if it hasn't been already

If you need the config on a per-user basis rather than globally, then just use Session["MyConfig"] instead of Application["MyConfig"]

Antony Scott