I worked on different projects in different countries and remarked that sometimes the code became internationalized, like
SetLargeurEtHauteur() (for SetWidthAndHeight, fr)
Dim _ListaDeObiecte as List(Of Object) (for _ObjectList, ro)
internal void SohranenieUserov() (for SaveUsers, ru)
It happens that in countries with Latin alphabet this mix is more pronounced, because there is no need of transliteration.
More than that, often the programming "jargon" is inspired by the project specifications language. There are cases that terms in "project language" have a meaning that is not "translatable" in English.
There are also projects on which works only, say a French team, uses French words (say, Personne, Vehicule, Projet etc).
In that cases I personally add in specifications a "Dictionary" that explains all business object names and only these objects are used in other (French) language.
Collectif - ensemble des Personnes;
All the actions(Get, Set, Update, Modify, Load, etc) are in English.
Now that "strong" names could be used in code: AddPersonneToCollectif.
- What is your approach to "internationalization"?
I was amused that VisualStudio compiles and runs projects in .NET with buttons named à la "btnAddÉlève" or "кпкСтоп"...