Hey, i got a n00b problem with python and i've been searching here for a while and i couldnt find a proper solution...
i got a utf8 form that i ajax post to a python page. i read the json simplejson with utf-8 charset.
the text is fine as long as there is no mixed utf8 and latin chars like ?!;, etc...
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xd7 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)
commentjsonarray = simplejson.loads(commentjson, encoding='utf-8')
i tried a bunch of things but i cant get it to work. help.
just an update for you with more code for help, thanks
commentjson = request.POST['commentObj']
commentjsonarray = simplejson.loads(commentjson, encoding='utf-8')
program = get_object(Program, commentjsonarray['programid'])
userget = get_object(User, commentjsonarray['userid'])
#get user avatar from usermeta
usermeta = get_object(UserMeta, 'user_id = ',userget.key())
commenttext = commentjsonarray['walltext']
from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode,force_unicode,smart_str
commenttext = smart_str(commenttext)
newcomment = db_create(Wall, user_avatarurl=str(usermeta.avatarurlsmall),user_fullname=str(''+userget.first_name+' '+userget.last_name),user_idstring=str(userget.key()),text = str(commenttext) , program_id = program.key() , user_id = userget.key())
above is the python part. here is the javascript:
var walltext = $('walltext').value
var commentObj = {"walltext": ""+walltext+"", "programid": programid, "userid": userid};
var commentJSON = encodeURIComponent(Object.toJSON(commentObj));
if (walltext != '' || walltext == 'type here' || walltext.length > 0) {
new Ajax.Request('/wall/new', {
method: 'post',
encoding: 'UTF-8',
parameters: 'commentObj=' + commentJSON,
onSuccess: function(request){
var msg = request.responseText.evalJSON();
if (msg) {
var structure = '<div id="' + msg.msgid + '"><img src="' + msg.avatarurl + '" width="18" height="18"> ' + msg.username + ':' + msg.text + '<div id="frontSepLine"></div></div>';
$('walltext').value = 'type here';
var objDiv = document.getElementById("programwall");
objDiv.scrollTop = objDiv.scrollHeight;