



I have a ComboBox with a list of names. I don't want to allow new values, so I set the DropDownStyle to DropDownList.

When typing to select a name, it only allows one letter. So if I type "T" it will jump to the first name starting with "T". If I then type "o", it will not jump to the first item starting with "To", but to the first item starting with "o".

Is there a way to change this behaviour? Either with the current DropDownStyle, or with a different one by restricting it to existing values.

+1  A: 

Set the AutoCompleteSource to Items, then set AutoCompleteMode. SuggestAppend is probably what you're looking for, but you can play with the others and choose which one you like.

Thank you, that works. I don't notice any difference between Suggest and SuggestAppend, I guess it doesn't matter when the style is DropDownList.
@Stijn, Yes I believe that is correct.