




I'm looking to write an interactive terminal-based app in Perl and I need a good Pager module. This will likely be a Linux-only app, but I'd like a recommendation for an OS-agnostic module, if it exists, so I can use it for other projects. I'd like it to be less-like in terms of the key-bindings, able to detect the # of rows of the terminal being used, etc.

I'll be using Term::Readline and Term::UI for input, not that that really matters.

I saw a few on CPAN but none of them stood out as exceptional or exceptionally well documented, which I look for in a module as just one indicator of whether or not to use it (if the author didn't document the module, how committed are they to maintaining it, and if the community hasn't stepped in to pick up the slack, how widely used is it, really?).

I may just use less itself, if nothing else looks reasonable.

Thanks for the help!