



I have a audio player app, where there is a Main activity that shows 3 audio sample urls. On click on one, it goes to a Details Activity, which has a play and pause button, to start and pause the audio.

My problem is that, when I start the Main activity, and say click on audio 1, I hit play on Details activity. This starts the MediaPlayer and the audio starts to play. When I go back to the Main activity, the audio is still playing, which is what I want. Now, when I click on audio 1 again, and go to Details Activity and hit play again, there seems to be a new MediaPlayer starting the audio. So I have 2 tracks playing together!

Is there a way I can have only one MediaPlayer instance at any given time?

Thanks Chris



You should consider the Singleton pattern. Make a class MyPlayer that has a static method getMediaPlayer() that returns the same instance of MediaPlayer each time called.
