


  1. Created a user control.
  2. Within user control, I have a simple control, like a Literal, in the markup.
  3. In the user control's Page_Load, I attempt to change a property, like Text, on control created in the markup.
  4. Control is null.

What in the world am I missing?

(Begin rant: I am doing all these fancy things with login systems and dynamically adding/modifying controls on the fly with AJAX, etc, but I can't change an f'n static control's property! I can't even Google such a simple problem without finding something else! In the past, I had to dynamically generate the whole bloody page to avoid this idiotically simple problem. End rant.)


Instantiate user control by calling LoadControl method of the Page.


Page.LoadControl() has two overloads, one accepts a Virtual Path, the other accepts a Type. Sometimes, when using the Type version overload, you get this kind of behaviour.

When possible, try to use the Virtual Path version of LoadControl.

Edit: as an FYI, this is because the actual Type of a User Control is not what you would expect it to be. ASP.NET kind of 'wraps' the Type of the User Control.

Danny Drogt

Literally 30 seconds after I post my question, I figured out a way after analyzing the order a page is executed (

protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
literalGameName.Text = myGame.Name;

Init happens after controls have been made, but not after the page is done loading control-stuff.

I'm just amazed that I couldn't find an answer to this on the web. I mean, this has to be the first mistake every noob ASP.NET coder has to run into if they have a Windows Forms background like me!

Thanks for the many responses and ignoring my rants. :-)

Oh, and can someone vote this as the correct answer? (It says I have to wait two days to vote my own answer as the right answer! I guess we don't trust people to solve their own problems, eh? :-P)