




I want to strip all the html away from the left and right of the textual value:

I have this...
<option value="41">GECommonUI</option>

I want to get this...


in excel select all
open replace (ctrl+f)
replace <>
with nothing

or use perl regex
$line = "This is some text with HTML and words";
$line =~ s/<(.

the replace doesnt work, its literal. and im not using perl.
I don't know why my above post does not display the asterisk between <>. replace accepts wild cards. not sure what you mean by literal. excel atleast works on the example you posted.
+1  A: 

Set a reference to MS Forms 2.0 to use the DataObject object.

Public Function StripHTML(sInput As String) As String

    Dim rTemp As Range
    Dim oData As DataObject

    Set oData = New DataObject
    oData.SetText "<html><style>br{mso-data-placement:same-cell;}</style>" & sInput & "</html>"

    Set rTemp = Workbooks.Add.Worksheets(1).Range("a1")
    rTemp.Parent.PasteSpecial "Unicode Text"
    StripHTML = rTemp.Text

    rTemp.Parent.Parent.Close False
    Set rTemp = Nothing
    Set oData = Nothing

End Function

See http://www.dailydoseofexcel.com/archives/2005/02/23/html-in-cells-ii/ for more info.

Dick Kusleika
+1, but I don't think that's exactly what the OP was looking for. I think @kacalapy wants to strip out the HTML, not convert it to valid formatting.
Converting it to valid formatting is just a side effect. Because the function returns the Text property of the Range object, the formatting won't be relevant. It will however remove the html tags as it converts it.
Dick Kusleika

guys this is a simple set of string functions. as i am not up to speed on excel string functions this is a pain for me to figure out...

in a programing language this would go somethign like mid(start, length) to get the value from the full html string- the trick is to get the length as the start possition minus the lenth of th ending html lenght)

mid( pos(">")+2, len(string)-pos(">") )
