




Hi All,

I have an example of a dynamic number of divs all floating left:

alt text

...but would like the new row to be tucked up under the previous as in my example desired output:

alt text

I know using columns might be the best way to go but am having trouble with exactly how to go about that. A CSS solution would be great.

I do know how many boxes there will be when i start out. Any thoughts?


+3  A: 

This jQuery plugin might be of help: http://desandro.com/resources/jquery-masonry/

Edit: I don't think a pure CSS solution is sufficient. You may know the number of columns, but you won't know the size of columns without javascript trickery. I recommend the above plugin.

Awesome! Fantastic plugin that did exactly what I needed. Many thanks.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() {

counter = $("#container > div").size(); // count total immidiate children of container columns = 3;

leftpos = 0; var myarray = []; var temp = []; temp[0] =temp[1] = temp[2] =0; j=0;

for(i=1;i<=counter;i++) {

width = $("#div"+i).width();

$("#div"+i).css('left',leftpos+'px'); $("#div"+i).css('top',temp[j]+'px');


leftpos = leftpos + width; myarray[j] = $("#div"+i).height();

temp[j] = temp[j] + myarray[j]

j++; if(i%columns==0) {leftpos =0; var myarray = []; j=0;}

}// end of for loop



<style type="text/css">

container{ width:900px; position:relative;}

.divs { width:300px; float:left; display:none; position:absolute; border:#000 1px solid;} </style>

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