



Hi there,

I'd like to start delving into 3d graphical coding but don't really have the requisite mathematical background, I was wondering if anyone might be able to recommend a good book that teaches the maths in a manner that's designed for someone new to the topic.

I'd appreciate any suggestions, thanks in advance.


You find some useful (free) books on this page: Link

+2  A: 

An old classic:

Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice in C
Also known as "Foley, van dam"

Won't give you much insignt into modern 3D APIs like OpenGL and D3D but it does contains a lot of explanations and mathematical background on the basics.

I actually borrowed this book off a friend and found it near incomprehensible to understand coming from a fairly non-mathematical background, I found it particularly dense with very hard to follow explanations of the maths behind the concepts. It tends to present things 'as is' without limited background explanation.Thanks for the suggestion though
Paul Newman

D. F. Rogers, J. A. Adams - "Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics"

+2  A: 

A book that takes you from basic 3D vector and point math up to graphics, simple animation and physics is Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications. Don't let the title scare you -- I wanted to call it Math for Games Programmers, which is what it is. And obvious disclaimer: I'm a co-author of the book.

We also have some free references on our site:

This looks really good, there doesn't happen to be maybe a sample chapter I'd be able to take a look at? The Amazon preview isn't quite enough to get a good feel, I'd love to take a little look before committing to the cost,My apologies if this has come off as rude at all, thanks for the suggestion
Paul Newman
Check out Google Books: If that's still too dense, you might also look at Fletcher Dunn's or Eric Lengyel's books.
Brilliant thanks for the link, I've just put an order in at Amazon :)
Paul Newman