Say I have some constants that depends one of other, and I decided to keep them together in a container instead of keeping it as individual constants in a class.
I thought use a Structure for that scope, but compiler force me to declare a private member for that structure.
' Compile error: at least one private member is needed '
Private Structure BandSizes
Const BandHeight As Short = HourHeight + 20
Const HourHeight As Short = HalfHourHeight + 20
Const HalfHourHeight As Short = LineHeight + PictureHeight + 20
Const PictureHeight As Short = 20
Const LineHeight As Short = StopHeight + 10
Const LineWidth As Short = 50
Const StopHeight As Short = 30
End Structure
As I have only a few integer constants, should I create a shared (static) class?