How can I get my webpage to display a word document in the browser? This is a controlled environment where everyone has exactly the same browser settings and everyone uses internet explorer 7. It is an intranet environment.
A: appears to have some components allowing you to do that. Additionally, you might want to try embedding the document via ActiveX.
2010-06-29 15:34:12
I have tried the ActiveX method and it got a bit messy, so I am now looking for a new solution. Basically, I know in word you can do a saveas and save the document as html or mht, is it not possible to get .net to do that automatically? Then display the html file on screen?
2010-06-29 15:35:53
I don't program in windows often, but you might be able to use OLE objects to control it:
2010-06-30 16:47:24