


public class XmlDBConfiguration
    [XmlArrayItem("Customer", typeof(Customer))]

    public ArrayList _customers;
    private Dictionary<string, Customer> _customerDictionary;}

Is it possible to define the Element Name (in my case it is ConfigurationRoot) with a variable from another static class or any other way? I want to define my class that is going to be serialized (in my case it is Customer) as well. Is it possible to put a variable there and change it when I create an instance of that ?

Thanks in advance

+2  A: 

Yes, you can do that by using the XmlSerializer constructor that takes a XmlAttributesOverrides object. Providing your own XmlRootAttribute is explicitly supported. It is all well explained in the MSDN Library topic.

Hans Passant
+1  A: 

I don't think you can change the value of the XmlRoot attribute on your class. You can however specify an override of this attribute when you create XmlSerializer - just use this constructor:
