




I have two bash scripts that are almost identical. One works and one doesn't and I can't figure out what's going on. Here are the scripts:

This one works fine:



echo -e "\nRunning Unit Tests"
echo -e "------------------\n"

for infile in $CURDIR/utest/*.csv
    file=$(basename $infile .csv)
    echo -n " Test $file"
    value=`$CURDIR/Release/earthmove -f $infile`
    res=`cat $CURDIR/utest/$file.res`
    if [ "$(echo "$res+$TOL*$res >= $value && $res-$TOL*$res <= $value" | bc)" -eq 1 ]; then
    echo -e "\t\t PASSED."
    echo -e "\t\t FAILED."

echo ""

But this one gives me all kinds of errors:



echo -e "\nRunning Unit Tests"
echo -e "------------------\n"

for infile in $CURDIR/utest/*.csv
    file=$(basename $infile .csv)
    echo -n " Test $file"
    value=`$CURDIR/Release/vertical -f $infile`
    res=`cat $CURDIR/utest/$file.res`
    if [ "$(echo "$res+$TOL*$res >= $value && $res-$TOL*$res <= $value" | bc)" -eq 1 ]; then
    echo -e "\t\t PASSED."
    echo -e "\t\t FAILED."

echo ""

The two files are IDENTICAL besides the directory (Earthmoving vs Vertical) and the program name (earthmove vs vertical). I know this because I created the second by copying and pasting the first. Running the second script results in this:

Running Unit Tests

 Test flatroad(standard_in) 1: illegal character: S
(standard_in) 1: syntax error
(standard_in) 1: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 2: illegal character: S
(standard_in) 2: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 2: syntax error
(standard_in) 2: illegal character: N
(standard_in) 2: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 2: illegal character: I
(standard_in) 2: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 2: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 2: illegal character: O
(standard_in) 2: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 3: illegal character: P
(standard_in) 3: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 3: syntax error
(standard_in) 3: illegal character: M
(standard_in) 3: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 3: illegal character: H
(standard_in) 3: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 3: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 4: illegal character: P
(standard_in) 4: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 4: syntax error
(standard_in) 4: illegal character: M
(standard_in) 4: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 4: illegal character: H
(standard_in) 4: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 4: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 5: syntax error
(standard_in) 5: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 6: illegal character: P
(standard_in) 6: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 6: illegal character: M
(standard_in) 6: syntax error
(standard_in) 6: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 7: syntax error
(standard_in) 7: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 8: illegal character: P
(standard_in) 8: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 8: syntax error
(standard_in) 8: illegal character: M
(standard_in) 8: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 15: syntax error
(standard_in) 16: syntax error
(standard_in) 16: illegal character: M
(standard_in) 16: illegal character: I
(standard_in) 16: illegal character: P
(standard_in) 17: syntax error
(standard_in) 18: illegal character: T
(standard_in) 18: illegal character: S
(standard_in) 18: illegal character: T
(standard_in) 18: syntax error
(standard_in) 19: illegal character: T
(standard_in) 19: illegal character: S
(standard_in) 19: illegal character: T
(standard_in) 19: syntax error
(standard_in) 20: illegal character: T
(standard_in) 20: illegal character: S
(standard_in) 20: illegal character: T
(standard_in) 20: syntax error
(standard_in) 21: illegal character: T
(standard_in) 90: illegal character: I
(standard_in) 90: illegal character: O
(standard_in) 90: syntax error
(standard_in) 90: illegal character: P
(standard_in) 90: illegal character: I
(standard_in) 90: illegal character: I
(standard_in) 90: illegal character: T
(standard_in) 91: syntax error
(standard_in) 91: syntax error
(standard_in) 91: syntax error
(standard_in) 91: syntax error
(standard_in) 93: illegal character: S
(standard_in) 93: syntax error
(standard_in) 94: illegal character: O
(standard_in) 94: syntax error
(standard_in) 95: syntax error
(standard_in) 96: illegal character: U
(standard_in) 96: syntax error
(standard_in) 96: illegal character: '
(standard_in) 96: illegal character: O
(standard_in) 96: illegal character: '

There are plenty more lines where the "..." is, but they're basically just a variation on the same idea.


Check the contents of the Vertical directory. Does one of your CSV files have spaces or odd characters in its name? Try surrounding the variable that holds a file name in quotes:

The only files that are currently in in Vertical/utest are flatroad.csv and flatroad.res.I tried your suggestion, and in addition to all the other errors, I now also get the following:"Test flatroad.csv"cat: /home/jessica/Documents/Development/road/Vertical/utest/flatroad.csv".res: No such file or directory"
What files are in /home/jessica/Documents/Development/road/Vertical/utest ?Also try turning on verbose mode in bash:$ set -vYou can turn it off with "set +v"
+2  A: 

The error messages are produced by bc. The problem is that there is something like "S:S:N:I::O:P..." in the file "$HOME/Documents/Development/road/Vertical/utest/$file.res" that's not in the corresponding file that's used in the other script. Chances are that you expect that file to contain a single numeric value instead of whatever is in there now.

Dennis Williamson
flatroad.res (the only .res file in the directory at this time) contains only "0.0" (minus the quotes) which IS a single numeric value.
@Jessica: Then the value of `$value` contains something that `bc` doesn't understand.
Dennis Williamson