Generally speaking, most dependencies can be injected into your class at the time it is created. However, in this particular case, you need a component that must be created on demand at the time of use. In such cases, it is very difficult to completely remove dependency on an IoC container. My approach has always been to create a factory that is injected into the class at creation time, which in turn encapsulates all direct IoC usage. This allows your factories to be mocked for testing, rather than the IoC container itself...which tends to be a lot easier:
// In Presentation.csproj
class PresentationController
public PresentationController(IDataContextFactory dataContextFactory, IRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory)
#region .NET 4 Contract
Contract.Requires(dataContextFactory != null);
Contract.Requires(repositoryFactory != null);
_dataContextFactory = dataContextFactory;
_repositoryFactory = repositoryFactory;
private readonly IDataContextFactory _dataContextFactory;
private readonly IRepositoryFactory _repositoryFactory;
public void Action()
using (IDataContext dc = _dataContextFactory.CreateInstance())
var repo = _repositoryFactory.CreateUserRepository();
// do stuff with repo...
// In Factories.API.csproj
interface IDataContextFactory
IDataContext CreateInstance();
interface IRepositoryFactory
IUserRepository CreateUserRepository();
IAddressRepository CreateAddressRepository();
// etc.
// In Factories.Impl.csproj
class DataContextFactory: IDataContextFactory
public IDataContext CreateInstance()
var context = IoC.Resolve<IDataContext>();
// Do any common setup or initialization that may be required on 'context'
return context;
class RepositoryFactory: IRepositoryFactory
public IUserRepository CreateUserRepository()
var repo = IoC.Resolve<IUserRepository>();
// Do any common setup or initialization that may be required on 'repo'
return repo;
public IAddressRepository CreateAddressRepository()
var repo = IoC.Resolve<IAddressRepository>();
// Do any common setup or initialization that may be required on 'repo'
return repo;
// etc.
The benefit of this approach is, while you can not completely eliminate the IoC dependency itself, you can encapsulate it in a single kind of object (a factory), decoupling the bulk of your code from the IoC container. This improves your codes agility in light of, say, switching from one IoC container to another (i.e. Windsor to Ninject).
It should be noted, an interesting consequence of this, is that your factories are usually injected into their dependents by the same IoC framework they use. If you are using Castle Windsor, for example, you would create configuration that tells the IoC container to inject the two factories into your business component when it is created. The business component itself may also have a factory...or, it may simply be injected by the same IoC framework into a higher-level component, etc. etc., ad inf.