Hello all,
I've been working through an issue with my django project. The issue is I've got one project, which will retrieve data for users of different clients. I need to know 'from where' a viewer is coming from (request.path [my original solution]). I've been looking at a number of different options which sound close to what I want to do, but I'm not sure what the best option is, not having done this before.
My first option was to add a url in the urls.py with a 'tag' or 'keyword' then look for that tag/keyword in the request.path, which I'd add as a session key. Then go onto get the data.
Something else I started looking at was the sites framework. After reading through the documentation, I'm still confused how sites actually works, so I'm not sure if this is the right option.
Another solution talked about using middleware, this came up in connection with the research into using the sites framework.
And then yet another talked about doing this in apache.
Could some one help point me in the right direction?