




Hi I have a file that has some entries like

--ERROR--- Failed to execute the command with employee Name="shayam" Age="34"

--Successfully executed the command with employee Name="ram" Age="55"

--ERROR--- Failed to execute the command with employee Name="sam" Age="23"

--ERROR--- Failed to execute the command with employee Name="yam" Age="3"

I have to extract only the Name and Age of those for whom the command execution was failed. in this case i need to extract shayam 34 sam 23 yam 3. I need to do this in perl. thanks a lot..

+1  A: 

Your title makes it not clear. Anyway...

while(<>) {
 next if !/^--ERROR/;
 print $1, "  ", $2, "\n";

can do it reading from stdin; of course, you can change the reading loop to anything else and the print with something to populate an hash or whatever according to your needs.

Thanks a lot bro.. wont forget you in life.. thanks..

Refer to comments :

my @a = <>; # Reading entire file into an array
chomp @a;   # Removing extra spaces
@a = grep {/ERROR/} @a; # Removing lines that do not contain ERROR
# mapping with sed-like regexp to keep only names and ages :
@a = map {s/^.*Name=\"([a-z]+)\" Age=\"([0-9]+)\".*$/$1 $2/; $_} @a; 
print join " ",@a; # print of array content
I would recommend against reading everything into one array and then processing it. Just read it line-by-line.
Matthew Wilson
Don't take it for you, Matthew, but may I ask why ?
If you have a file larger than your RAM, your system would hang. That's why. But more importantly you just don't need to store the entire file in an array - storing the current line in a *single* variable would suffice. Wouldn't it ? :) Or best, just use $_ .
Bart J
Well, may be i'm wrong, but in case of large file, I use Tie::File.I was confronted to a not so large (~30mo) file parsing that took ~180 seconds to perform with a while(<>) loop, against ~4 seconds in slurp mode.As the OP doesn't defined memory usage over execution time as a criteria, i don't think my answer deserve a '-' :(
+5  A: 

As a one-liner:

perl -lne '/^--ERROR---.*Name="(.*?)" Age="(.*?)"/ && print "$1 $2"' file
eugene y
What eerily similar answers! I never remember `-l` though, ++.
+2  A: 

As a one liner, try:

perl -ne 'print "$1 $2\n" if /^--ERROR/ && /Name="(.*?)"\s+Age="(.*?)"/;'

This is a lot like using sed, but with Perl syntax.


ah so you like to use perl for something like sed can do. using another tools from perl is easy with "system()" call or backticks.

+2  A: 

The immediate question of "how do I use perl like sed?" is best answered with s2p, the sed to perl converter. Given the command line, "sed $script", simply invoke "s2p $script" to generate a (typically unreadable) perl script that emulates sed for the given set of commands.

William Pursell