I'm not sure if using a bitstring is the best idea, I'd rather represent at least the weights with real values. Nevertheless bitstrings may also work.
If you have a fixed topology, then both crossover and mutation are quite easy (assuming you only evolve the weights of the network):
Crossover: take some weights from one parent, the rest from the other, can be very easily done if you represent the weights as an array or list. For more details or alternatives see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crossover_%28genetic_algorithm%29.
Mutation: simply select some of the weights and adjust them slightly.
Evolving some other stuff (e.g. activation function) is pretty similar to these.
If you also want to evolve the topology then things become much more interesting. There are quite some additional mutation possibilities, like adding a node (most likely connected to two already existing nodes), splitting a connection (instead of A->B have A->C->B), adding a connection, or the opposites of these.
But crossover will not be too easy (at least if the number of nodes is not fixed), because you will probably want to find "matching" nodes (where matching can be anything, but likely be related to a similar "role", or a similar place in the network). If you also want to do it I'd highly recommend studying already existing techniques. One that I know and like is called NEAT. You can find some info about it at
and http://www.cs.ucf.edu/~kstanley/neat.html