Minitab help files provide support on this subject to a limited extent, and all examples are in VB. I am new to .NET, but I'm picking it up pretty quickly. Its something in the syntax for the command.
They provide this example in VB:
Dim MtbApp As New mtb.Application
Dim MtbProj As mtb.Project
Dim MtbCom As mtb.Command
Dim i, j As Integer
MtbApp.UserInterface.Visible = True
Set MtbProj = MtbApp.ActiveProject
MtbProj.ExecuteCommand "RANDOM 30 C1 - C2"
MtbProj.ExecuteCommand "REGRESS C1 1 C2"
and my code looks like this in C#
var MtbApp = new Mtb.Application();
var MtbProj = new Mtb.Project();
MtbProj = MtbApp.ActiveProject;
MtbApp.UserInterface.Visible = true;
what I'm expecting should happen is Minitab should open, and the command should execute. However, whats happening is that two instances of Minitab are being opened and neither are showing user interface, I have to find them in processes.