



I'm looking for an answer that scales, but for my specific purpose, I have a 48th dimension vector. This could be represented as an array of 48 integers all between 0 and 255.

I have a large dictionary of these vectors, approximately 25 thousand of them.

I need to be able to take a vector that may or may not be in my database, and quickly find which vector from the database is closest. By closest, I mean in terms of traditional distance formula.

My code will end up in python but this is more a general question.

Brute Force is too slow. I need a near dictionary speed lookup. Anyone have an idea?

+8  A: 

I would suggest implementing a kd-tree on which you can perform Nearest neighbour search. The worst case search time for N points in k dimensions is O(k.N^(1-1/k)) so it should scale sublinearly in N.

If I have time I will come back to this answer and provide a less terse explanation that Wikipedia's.

Since you're working in python this Scipy cookbook entry on kdtrees should help.

Effectively quite terse, but at least the pointer seems spot on!
Matthieu M.
thanks for this btw. I did do a lot of looking into this and while kdtrees are pretty cool and I learned a lot, the LSH method mentioned below seems to be the most applicable solution due to the high dimensionality of my problem.
Aaron Merriam
+4  A: 

Another technique that will prove useful is locality sensitive hashing:

Its not clear from your question whether you need -exact- nearest neighbors. If you are happy with returning a vector that is approximately the nearest neighbor, there are faster solutions. See here (

LSH seems to be best for me so far. has been a great resource. The 2006 paper on the algorithm has been the most helpful.
Aaron Merriam