+2  A: 

yes, writes to any replica will be replicated to the others once the partition heals. http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/HintedHandoff, http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/ReadRepair, and http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/ArchitectureAntiEntropy all play a role with this.

you can also specify QUORUM or higher ConsistencyLevel and then only writes (or reads) that can see a majority of the replicas will succeed.

If I will have 32 nodes quorum write seams useless (high write/read latency)? In the other hand if I write to both part of splitted cluster (without quorum) the same value replication goes with the timestamp and overwrite data?
quorum means majority of the replicationfactor. if you have replicationfactor=32 you are doing it wrong. :)
thanks, I misunderstood that, my thinking was centralized ;)