I am trying to write a jquery function that scans the whole of a jqrid to check if any of its cells have a value.
The issue I am having is that there does not seem to be a way of retrieving the selected value of a cell that contains a select box. The jqgrid docs clearly states the following for the getCell
and getRowData
Do not use this method when you editing the row or cell. This will return the cell content and not the actuall value of the input element
Which is fair enough, but given that, how do I actually get the value?
Its not possible to parse the html that is returned from the select content, as none of the options are flagged as selected, even if they appear to be selected in the browser.
For reference here is a snippet of my code:
var colModels = this.grid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'colModel');
for (i = 1; i < colModels.length; i++) {
var colModel = colModels[i];
if (colModel.edittype == 'select') {
var colData = this.grid.jqGrid('getCol', colModel.name, false);
for (j = 0; j < colData.length; j++) {
if (colData[j] != 0) {
//alert("select change: " + colData[j]);
//alert(j+' GridName_' + colModel.name)
//alert("select change: " + $('#GridName_' + colModel.name).val());
//return has value?;
Column definiton:
{ name: "AppleId", index: "Appled", width: 150, align: "left", resizable: false, editable: true, edittype: "select", editoptions: { value: function() { return xxx.buildAppleSelect(); } }, formatter: function(cellvalue, options, rowObject, action) { return xxx.buildAppleSelectHtml(cellvalue); } };
I also experimented with afterEditCell and other similar events - but the problem with these is that - clicking the select box does not put the sell in edit mode - you have to click the cell first and then the select.
In short - how do I get the selected value, client side - can it be done?
There are simular questions here, here and here. But none seem to tackle the issue (client side).